Can’t find a sitter this weekend? Have to change your plans? Don’t have any yet and no time to find someone to watch the kids? How about something fun the entire family can do together?

This Sunday March 20th, get set for a fun night out for parent AND their kids at The Varsity Theater. Tantrum is the first in a series of many activities aimed at both parents and their young kids.

Come out to the first installment of the series as parents and youngsters get their boogie on. This dance party get rolling at 5pm and wraps up at 8pm. Plenty of time to get junior and/or junior miss home and into their pajamas.

Admission is just $5. Take the kids for a night out and join in the dance party that’s sure to rock the cradle.

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Stay tuned for details on this new series by keeping up to date!

Varsity Theater
1308 4th St. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55414
(612) 604-0222