So of a year of “Things To Do”, one of the things has to include seeing all of the professional sports teams in the Twin Cities! Today we are focusing on the Minnesota Timberwolves and they are located at the Target Center for all of their home games.
They have struggled the past couple of seasons but they have been acquiring some new talent and as of this week, they have an “old” talent by the name of Kevin Garnett! Yes, folks, KG is back where he started his career! The “Big Ticket” is once again at the Target Center and starting on Wednesday he will be one of the reasons to come and watch the Timberwolves once again!
The Wolves season runs from the end of October through April. If you have not been to a game, I would highly recommend it. If you are a basketball fan, it is one of the most fun things to do in the Twin Cities!!
Tickets are available at ticketmaster or the Target Center websites or for Single Game tickets you can go to is your official source for authentic tickets with NO FEES, all season long!
Otherwise, we do have tickets on occasion at our Goldstar website called Half Price Minnesota at http://HalfPrice.MN so be sure to sign up for a free account today!
Now we love the wolves and if you would to see KG’s return to the Target Center, I have some good news. We have a pair of tickets for the game on Wednesday night! Here is what you need to do in order to win!…
1. Share this post!
2. Comment below with your name and address and if you think the KG deal was a good move or a bad move for the Timberwolves!
3. Share this post again! Seriously…it will make us smile!
We will pick a comment on Monday night and get the tickets over ASAP via email! Good luck!