Summer in the Twin Cities brings with it the reappearance of pedal pubs, which can frequently be seen in and around downtown Minneapolis, powered by enthusiastic riders. If you think that looks like fun, just imagine how much fun it would be to race a pedal pub around the city!
Luckily, a pedal pub race is something you don’t have to leave to your imagination. For the 3rd year running Northeast Minneapolis is hosting Pedal Pub Races, to held on Sunday, June 10th from noon to 6:00 pm. Interested parties are encouraged to participate by registering as soon as possible as pedal pubs are available on a first come, first serve basis.
To register, simply fill out a registration form, available in either a PDF version or a Word Doc version, available to download on the website here. The cost to reserve a pedal pub is $150.
The race features a lively sprint from 1st Avenue NE to East Hennepin and then back again. Check in will be held in the Surdyk’s parking lot.
Teams will race in either the 12-3 pm slot or the 3-6 pm slot, so be sure to indicate your preference upon registration. An 8-10 participant requirement is expected per team, and each team must have at least 4 females. In order to participate you must be 18 years of age or older.
Teams are encouraged to be creative, so don’t hesitate to consider costumes or themes when selecting team attire. Go team spirit!
Not interested in participating in the race? No problem! Food and beverages will be made available so come on out and support your favorite team and enjoy the races!
The Pedal Pub Races are brought to you by these sponsors:
City Pages
Crispin Cider
New Belgium Brewing
Phillips Prairie Organic Vodka
Interested in volunteering? Email for more information.
General inquires can be directed to
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For more information, visit